Saturday, July 4, 2009

Inventory of Plants

There was a period in my life as an Executive Housekeeper where I was asked to handle the gardening and landscaping of the hotel instead of the upholstery shop which was assigned to the Director of Engineering. The hotel had an approximately 5 acres in size including the hotel and its sorroundings I used to make jokes and tell my colleagues that I needed a roller skating to tour the hotel. Landscaping and gardening were inside and outside of the hotel. Everyday during my tour of the hotel I found plants either missing or dying. The landscape and gardening supervisor will then make a list of plants that needed replacement and I in turn will make a requisition and passed on to the Financial Controller. One day I was asked to make inventory of plants inside and outside the hotel. It took me two days to propose the inventory plan. I asked the hotel printer and designer to make a map and drawings of landscape where each type of plants were located. With the name of plants indicated on the map then it was easy for me to make a copy and cross out the area/s where the plant is missing or dying for the Financial Controller to see and validate my requisition. With the proposed inventory plan, the Financial Controller was able to make a more accurate budget for landscaping and gardening.

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